In this episode of Focus on Fiber, I have a question for you that I always get in my shop: Do you knit the right way? Today we’re going to discuss the question, “How Do You Knit?” in what I call my “Joan Rivers Episode.” Click on the video below to see why:
I hope this gave you some peace of mind about your style of knitting, and that you feel more comfortable with your knitting. Because it really is all about the enjoyment, right?
Do you have a different style of stitching something that you’d like to share with your fellow knitters? Post it in the comments below! Thanks and enjoy.
I knit continental, and purl Norwegian. The yarn stays in back, as with knitting. It takes a split second longer than regular purling, but then you don’t need to knit through the back of the loop on the return row.
Hi! I watched the video. I don’t know if you watch Arne & Carlos, but I believe that’s how Arne purls.
He purls so quickly I could never catch it. I will have to give this a try. I’m sure there are times where keeping your yarn in the back would be very handy.
Thanks for sharing!