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THE YARN CRAWL IS COMING! SAVE THE DATE! Friday 9/23 - Sunday 9/25 With even more fun planned this year. Reserve or pick up this years collectible passport booklet at the shop and get 3 FREE raffle tickets good during the Yarn Crawl. Call 860-482-3979 . 10 Water Street, Torrington. Right on the heels of the arrival of autumn, comes the second Annual Fiber, Friends & Fun yarn crawl, presented by the Western Ct Yarn Council. This September 23-25, “Yarn crawlers” will make their pilgrimage from one of the seven participating yarn stores over the course of the ... Read More »
Woolen-covered soap gifts
Felted soaps make a great gift. In short time you can take beautifully colored wool and encase soap. Why would one want to cover soap in wool? The woolen coating which is naturally antifungal, acts as its own exfoliating washcloth. It also makes the soap last longer. I had one the lasted a month before it became a solid piece of felt. Add water and you will have plenty of lather. If you use a naturally hand made soap, you can not only feel good about the product that you are using, but you’ll be squeaky clean all at the same time. This can also make a fun project for kids for those snow ... Read More »
A storm preparedness kit
There’s a funny YouTube video of a man losing his mind, fearing that he won’t get the “milk and bread before the storm. Whenever I hear about a snow storm now, I immediately think of that video. Last year, when we were expecting our February snow storm, I contacted Joseph Timothy Quirk, a local supporter of all things Torrington, to make a spoof on the video, but using my shop instead of a local food mart. Years ago when I worked in another yarn shop, we would joke, that after everyone bought their milk and bread, that they would stop in to stock up on knitting supplies, because heaven help ... Read More »
Knitting is all fun and games, until someone has to rip!
At In Sheep's Clothing Thursday nights are knitting nights. This is the evening when I have mostly beginners that come in to take knitting class. For the rank beginners, the project it usually a scarf so they can learn to cast on stitches to the needle and then learn the knit stitch. If all goes smoothly, we can proceed to the purl stitch, and then work a combination pattern. Sometimes students pick up quickly and move right along; sometimes it takes more time and practice. I like to look at each student as an individual, and don’t propose a cookie cutter class. As I have learned ... Read More »
Charity knitting event Jan. 11
As always, weight loss, quitting smoking, and getting in shape, are always top the list of annual New Years resolutions. Another list maker is resolving to make time to learn something new, like knitting. So not only can learning to knit be fun, productive and a good way to meet new people, but it can have its health benefits. My husband recently pointed out a medical study that concluded that a large percentage of knitters experienced a feeling of well being after knitting. Leave it to the medical profession to tell knitters something that we already knew. I hear it time and ... Read More »
A Focus on Fiber Arts: Creating woolen-covered soap gifts
A Focus on Fiber Arts: Creating woolen-covered soap gifts Submitted photo - Ginger Balch Soaps covered with jackets of soft wool make an enticing and easy gift for Christmas. By Ginger Balch Posted: 12/10/14, 2:54 PM EST | The first felting workshop I ever took was over twenty years ago. It has taken up until just the past few years for the commercial market to finally catch on to this fascinating, fun and actually very simple craft. It consists of taking unspun wool which may or may not be dyed, and working into either a flat or sculptural finished piece, using either a wet, dry or ... Read More »
The holiday rush is over!
So as I write this, the Monday before Christmas, all my knitting deadlines are done. I now have this clear space in my brain where I can now to think about my own Christmas. If you have experienced the stress that comes with having a deadline, then you would understand the exhilarating feeling that comes with the end of one. For those of you who did not make it to the finish line, I am sorry. I know the feeling of looking at the knitting at hand, and then anxiously looking at the clock at regular intervals, trying to calculate how many rows have been worked in those precious minutes, and just ... Read More »
Quick and easy cell phone cases
There’s still time to make that personalized gift that almost anyone on your gift giving list can appreciate. Who can’t use a cell phone case, something that won’t only give extra protection, but reflect its owner’s personality? These simple little cases can be knitted, crocheted, and felted as well. You can use just about any type of yarn you would like, including adding touches of novelty yarns for a bit of bling. If you are like me, and can never find your phone from the depths of the back abyss of your handbag, you can make them up in bright colors, to never to be overlooked ... Read More »
Knitted wine bottle cozy
A Focus on Fiber Arts: Knit a wine bottle cozy Photo by Ginger Balch A wine cozy is a fun and convenient gift for the holidays. By Ginger Balch Posted: 12/03/14, 6:52 PM EST | I’ll admit it; I’m a sucker for anything that is beautifully or unusually packaged. I don’t know how many times that I purchased something only for its wrapping. A thoughtfully wrapped gift is one that is always appreciated, because it says that you took the extra time, and care, to present it beautifully. If you give or receive ... Read More »