Focus on Fiber Arts: Celebrate World Wide Knitting in Public Day at Coe Memorial Park
Knitting is generally a solitary craft.
Knitters spend a lot of time quietly knitting at home, often with the TV in the background. Some knitters even will take advantage of lunch breaks or work meetings. The local yarn shop is, of course, a knitter’s common ground.
But it’s only when knitters venture out and knit in public — at a baseball game, or while waiting in a doctor’s office — that people take notice, and that they may even bump into a fellow knitter.
It was for this reason, in 2005, that Danielle Landes officially began World Wide Knitting in Public Day, or WWKiP Day.
That year, WWKiP Day started out with about 70 local locations, and has over the following years expanded to over 800 events world wide including China, South Africa and Australia.
The week long celebration of knitters and their craft lasts from the third Saturday to the first Sunday of June each year.
In celebration, In Sheep’s Clothing is encouraging knitters, as well as crocheters to join us at Coe Memorial Park, Friday, June 20 at 6:30 p.m. Be sure to bring your knitting and a lawn chair.
As well as enjoying other knitters company, you can also enjoy the concert featuring Apricot Brandy, which is part of the Coe Memorial Park Summer Concert Series. Please go to to see what the summer line up will be this season.
For any questions concerning the WWKiP Day at Coe Memorial Park, please call 860-482-3979. You can also sign up for the event on Face Book.
Virginia (Ginger) Balch knits, weaves and spins in all things “fibery” at her shop In Sheep’s Clothing at 10 Water St. Torrington or phone 860-482-3979
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