Focus on Fiber Arts: Ritz Crystal Room hosts party honoring Downton Abbey style
The Downton Abbey TV series inspired me to create some knitting class fun, that would include wine, and dainty snacks, but a usual, the idea took on a life of it’s own, and it became obvious that the Ritz Crystal Room would be the perfect place to host such an event.
And on Sunday, March 9, ladies were invited to dine in the lap of luxury at the Ritz Crystal Room, a speakeasy lounge, upstairs at Remember When.
The luncheon would have pleased even the very refined palate of the Dowager Countess herself. The carefully crafted meal was prepared by co-owner Karen O’Donnell, who, once a personal chef, is now the chef for the Ritz Crystal Room. The ladies were served a choice of cocktails, two of which were named for Downton characters Lady Mary and Lady Edith.
The conversation was light and gay, amidst the beautiful 1920s era decor. The walls and ceiling were resplendent with gorgeous antique lighting, art work and sumptuous draperies.
Before the luncheon began, I gave a brief talk on how hand knitted and crocheted hats could be made to create the look and feel of the period. Several of the ladies wore hats of their own creations, while several others dressed in vintage costume.
The grand finale of the afternoon was Karen O’Donnell’s interesting peek into the Downton Abbey era of women’s fashions, which included hats, purses, gloves and lingerie. The tiny wasp-like waists of the gowns made quite an impression, especially after such a delightful, but filling meal.
Rit, the other half of the Remember When husband and wife team was on hand to act as a Mr. Carson to the diners, helping with coats, serving drinks, meals, and seeing to tea and coffee. The small, but efficient staff made the intimate atmosphere complete.
The luncheon, which had filled up quickly, created the need to add a second date in April, which sold out within a week. Since there are still ladies who missed out on the first two luncheon dates, a third date has been added for Sunday, May 25 at 12:30 p.m.
There are already diners registered, so make your reservations soon to avoid disappointment, since this will be the final Downton Abbey luncheon, at least until the next Downton Abbey season!
Please call 860-482-3979 for more information or to purchase tickets.
Virginia (Ginger) Balch knits, weaves and spins in all things “fibery” at her shop In Sheep’s Clothing at 10 Water St. Torrington or phone 860-482-3979
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